Wow the summer has flown past. We have been busy little beavers! Camping, lake, U.S.A., work, playdates, company, school supplies, school, Kevin's birthday....ahhhhh
This weekend is Danielle's wedding shower. It is in Courtenay and that's all I can say right now cause I think she is stalking me to find out more....your not getting more Danielle! :) here is what we have been up to lately:
Crazy Zulu Knot hair with Auntie Danielle!

Apparently the girls dress Harley (our SON) up when we aren't home....

Harley going to give wakeboarding a shot for the first time...he got in the water...then was done...maybe next time :)

The kids on Robby/Trudy's Hotdog! So fun!

ME! On a wakeboard! I actually still can't believe that it really is as easy to get up as they say, they being Michele and Jason! I highly recommend it people! :)

Then there was school! Summer grade 7, Zoe grade 5, Harley grade 1....boy I'm getting old!

And last but not least....some of my lastest creations:
Soft Country:


Thanks for looking....hopefully you were entertained :)
cheers till next week....I promise to blog more :)