That's what I feel all of a sudden! Not sure if it's because it's the end of the year....or because Kevin & I are heading off to Mexico in 6 days! I'm a "everything in it's place" kinda that's probably it. Not sure if I will get the tree and decorations put away cause it's snowing AGAIN! Ok Ok enough snow already! The box's for everything are under the I think everything can wait till we get back!
Some gift card holder tags I made before Christmas:

Santa brought Harley just what he asked for:

The girls checking out Summer's new Dance Revolution....thanks soooo much Santa...I love hearing "tootsie roll" over and over and over and over and over again..... love yah big guy!

Yes this is me Christmas morning....I'm posting a picture of me in my jammies with bad hair lol...I was very happy in this picture...Summer made me a beautiful beaded necklace :)

This is Harley...up on his Grandma & Grandpa Beaudry's ROOF! The guys had to shovel some of the snow off the roof so they thought it would be fun to send the six year old up there to jump was pretty fun to stomach flipped and flopped a bit but their was enough snow to jump into so it was ok!

This is what I've been up to this morning...trying to finish up 2007 Christmas so I can close up the "Christmas" album that has been ongoing since 1993!

Kevin got me a bind-it-all for Christmas...I have a feeling I will be binding alot of mini album's this sure is fun!

I've been wanting to find a "new" way to scrap for a long time now....and I think I found it. Becky Higgin's blog: showcases her great idea of scrapping by week. You take a picture & journal everyday so that every two page layout is a "week" in your life. So I've started it. Of course I won't get the kit with it being a U.S.A. purchase but I will improvise :)
Dec28th...first day of first week...dinner at mom's! Me & Mom! :)
Dec 29th...second day...I'm going to finish Christmas 2007 & 2008 Layout's today!
My scrapdesk!