My life has changed. First off the big news...Kevin & I are split again. We tried to make it work and it didn' now we learn to parent together...which we are good at.
Mexico was interesting....the heat, all inclusive is definitely the way to go! No worries about how much dinner is...just eat! and the drinks...well enough said! lol
The wedding was magical!
Since I've been back life has taken over. I've currently got the house up for sale...not sure what direction that is going in but it's on the market.
Learning to take one day at a time. Couple pictures for yah!
I turned 35! Harley helping me blow out candles! No we didn't set off smoke detectors....I disabled them before hand ;)
There was a challenge on with my online scrapbook group...the challenge was to use photo's over 15 years old...I can't believe my grad photo's fall into that category but they do! I made this LO for the beginning of my 365 album that I'm doing this year. It is a couple of pictures of me with my grandparents at my grad! I left the middle open because on March 14th I am going to a Cinderella princess ball in is altering my dress a wee bit so I can wear it again! So fun! I will post pictures for sure!
Some cards: Another LO challenge...this one was to split something in I cut all the ribbon. I have since added a self portrait to the 365 album is kind of an all about me & my life album this year! So fun!