Wow...where did the time go from my last post?? My life has been a roller coaster!! The BIG news is that the kids and I are moving...again...but not far! Just moving up to Cumberland. We rented a new house there. Our house is for sale....and we have decided it's time to start fresh...just for us four...nobody else! We are very excited to move up to Cumberland's more of a community than where we are now. Of course the major downfall is we won't be across the street from my mom & dad anymore...but we are only 10 minutes we won't complain ;) We make the big move Aug.1st.
Here's some pictures of what we have been up to lately!
June 19th Summer turned 13!!! My baby is getting so big!

Summer graduated from Royston Elementary....she's off to Cumberland middle school next school year. She received an award in language arts :)

We have had fun so far!!