IT'S ZOE'S 10TH BIRTHDAY TODAY!! (I know I know...I'm far to young!) ;)
We had a great day....roast chicken, mashed potatoe's & garlic for dinner...with lemon meringue pie for desert (Zoe's not a cake kinda gal)...she opened & loved all her presents. Now to just get thru the swimming party on friday after school!
This is Zoe & I on friday night when Kevin was home. We took the kids out for dinner in Campbell River for a treat.

I've been creating a few cards lately for challenge's over at split coast stampers in the bella forum. Anyone who know's me know's I love bellas :)
Here's what I've made lately:

I also made a card with the theme being "polka dots"...I really wanted to ink up my Superbella so here she is:
This was for a challenge here:

Have a fabulous day all!!