Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Amazing candy
stay tuned....I'm sure I'll find more!
Oh and I will post more cards later tonight or tomorrow too! :)
off to blog land!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Weekend of cards!
Off to blog land....
Cheers xo
Saturday, July 26, 2008
So what's new in the Beaudry house you ask?? Well Kevin has moved home!!! You read it right more Tofino life for him. It's too hard for him to be away from that!....and the job is too this but with your hands tied kinda best to walk away while the going's good right??
So ask me how easy it is to get 1.5 households worth of stuff into 1 house?? IT'S NOT! LOL....yes I'm laughing :) We have compromised....for a's not been easy but we have done it. Some stuff is under the house...some is in the garden shed...some is even at my parents...but it's done. Phew.
I have been creating some cards, trying to learn new techniques and trying to catch up on 4 years worth of know...the usual....but it's fun and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll take some pics of the cards later...for now I'm off to get inspired in blog land!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Little Journals
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Candy anyone??
Have a look!
Monday, July 21, 2008
It is my very first ever entry into something online. I don't believe it's going to be a "judging" thing...I think everyone who enters just gets their name in the draw...I could be wrong...either way I'm happy I entered!
Off to play more ball...ladies ball starts tonight.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So that was yesterday! :) Today I have another game at 12:00....if my body co-operates! ;)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Playin' Hooky!!
Today I made this LO for a ongoing "get your butt in gear" challenge over at
The other night I made this card. I really like the new "larger" cards that I purchased on the weekend at Michaels....just makes all the difference I enables me to put more on the card! I sure hope my friend has a hoot on his birthday! lol
The following five projects I did yesturday at my LSS (local scrapbook store) in the class I took. I enjoyed learning how to stamp onto acetate sheets.....that's the clear stuff. 4 tags and 1 decoration. Cool hey!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer of candy
Good luck everyone that plays!
Here's a great one:
Till next time xo
Friday, July 11, 2008
another candy
Blog Candy
Check her out, she's a great artist with tonnes of great work!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
More candy
have a great day everyone!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Busy little B's......
Harley helping paint the front deck.... The "Z" I altered for Zoe!
Altered canvas I made for Summer with the picture of her learning to surf in Tofino last summer.
Kevin & I camping this July long weekend with the kids and five other families at Comox Lake....we all had so much fun! This is by far my favourite picture of us!
The new greenhouse that Kevin built for me in the backyard....gonna learn to grow some enough kids to eat it ;)
Kevin water skiing on the longweekend on Comox Lake.....I learned how to pull him around finally!! But when I went to pick him up cause he was in the water I almost ran him over with the boat....kinda funny cause we had all just finished talking about life insurance :P But I killed the motor just in time so he didn't loose anything important! :)
Zoe screaming cause she's having fun or cause she wants to stop....not sure which but makes for a good picture...don't yah think?
Zoe, Eiyana, Brianna & Summer....being oh so cool in the pool!
Summer & I working on painting the deck...yes it was a family affair...who knew the little buggers could be work horses...should have tried this years ago!! lol
Well that is all the trouble we have gotten up to so far this summer....I'm sure there will be tonnes more where that came from.
Haven't heard from to many of you lately! Drop me a line sometime...catch you on the flip side of life! Cheers
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Blog candy
This is one of them:
She has some great work over there....go check it out!
As for me....well we have been camping, working in the yard, working on the garden....trying to find time to play....trying to find time to learn more about stamping and cards! I can't believe how much there is to learn about stamping......what inks to get, what cardstock, what pencil crayons, markers....ahhhhh....slowly but surely is my motto these days....oh and Yes I am enjoying the ride!