Ok FINALLY I had a moment to download the Easter Scavenger Hunt pictures! Here's Tami explaining the rules to all the kids...I do believe there was 22 kids in total!!

Summer & Harley waiting for their first clue!
Summer & Harley hunting around....
Summer & Harley again...still hunting....
Zoe was the first to find her Easter Basket...she was so quick...I don't think she stopped running the whole time!
On the creative side of life....I've just finished making 10 Salad Recipe Cards for a swap with my scrapbooking group....
and Harley made this very cute Easter Bunny Jar :)
Hope you all had a Hoppy Easter!

So far this week.....
Found out Danielle & Rob are pregnant! So excited for them...and to be an Auntie again!
Khristi's Aunt passed away....so sad....so sorry for you my girl!
Summer to the dr. for cough....doesn't need antibiotics
Summer to the eye dr. for headaches...doesn't need glasses
me...running...crafting....things like that....
It's so sunny here we had a BBQ today...first one of the season....now that we've done it...I don't think we will go without it again! lol
looks like fun!
life is juggin along...sounds fun too :)
Looks like the easter egg hunt was a blast. :)
LOVE your recipe card. :) I gotta get crackin' on that. lol
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